






Detecting germ, Detecting hands your health is in our hands. Introducing Virus Vigilant newest product removes bacteria. With this innovative design and technology, you can say goodbye to catching new diseases. With our product, it takes minimal time to renew your hands in a public place to promote good health and mindfulness of those more prone to diseases.


Empowered and Driven:
Delivering Solutions for Global Issues

3- good health and wellbeing – our product uses good health and wellbeing as the main aim of the product is to provide a precise and effective way of preventing the spread of diseases to others.

4- quality education – from our product, we are aiming to encourage people out in public or school attenders to be more mindful of removing germs and cleaning hands so that is prevents another pandemic

6- clean water and sanitation – although not fulling encompassing the goal, our product does fulfill the sanitation aspect as the whole purpose is to remove any germs on your hands and to educate the users about why sanitation is important leading back to UN goal 4

9- industry, innovation and infrastructure – our product encompasses this un goal as it’s an extension of what already exists in the market. Also, it has the potential to be further innovated to make it more technical.


``Education and Awareness: Promoting awareness about hand hygiene Germ Detection: UV illuminating devices can help individuals visualize the presence of germs on their hands Understanding Effectiveness: By using UV light to illuminate germs, individuals can gain a better understanding of the effectiveness of their handwashing techniques. Preventing Cross-Contamination: UV illuminating devices can be used to identify areas where cross-contamination is likely to occur``
A project focused on UV illuminating devices for hand hygiene can effectively tackle the identified problems and contribute to improving overall hygiene practices and reducing the spread of infectious diseases.
Use Case
A project focused on UV illuminating devices for hand hygiene can effectively tackle the identified problems and contribute to improving overall hygiene practices and reducing the spread of infectious diseases.


List of Essential Tools and Technologies



“The prototype makes use of a variety of sensors, including the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor for distance measurement, a Micro Servo 9g for controlled movement, and an LCD 16×2 V2.0 for display purposes. Additionally, it includes a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and a Raspberry Pi Camera for image processing capabilities.

The system’s hardware is connected via a breadboard and wires, with resistors ensuring adequate voltage regulation. UV LEDs are included to meet lighting requirements, and a slide switch allows for user input. Tools include a glue gun for attaching components and a laser cutting machine for design help with the assembling process.

On the software side, the prototype is programmed in C++ using the Arduino IDE to operate the Arduino Mega. “

Online Marketing
Creative agency
Web development


Impact on the market

Our product differs from what is currently on the market as it encompasses many different products all in one. For example, the Daro UV systems hand inspection cabinet, allows for hands to be placed inside to detect the level of disease on the user's hands. However, the user must then clean their hands elsewhere. Our product further innovates by the user being able to clean their hands whilst using our products. There are many examples of products which are like the Daro however not many like ours. The convenience of both practicing good hand cleaning and sanitation along with the speediness, allows our product to fit in perfectly in the market.



The process to achieve the final product was lengthy but very interesting. As a group we worked well together, being able to split work when necessary but also collaborating in order to get work done efficiently or to solve problems. As we used an Arduino Mega in our product, we used tinkercad which is a software where we were able to mimic our hardware online with the C++ code to make sure it works. This prevented much time loss and helped with the final product.