Good Health and Mental Well Being
The smart light product will improve mental wellbeing through providing users with comfort during the times of day when light is limited or unavailable such as night, our product can provide customers with comfort and change the atmosphere in a room.
Industry innovation and infrastructure
It will be innovative through its ability to move automatically alongside with the ability to change colour and being controlled by motion sensors. The light could be used in industry infrastructure if they require a light that has flexibility and is mobile.
Sustainability Goals: Affordable and clean energy
The smart light will be affordable by the consumers because the price will be under the £50. Also, the energy consumption of the product will be low and clean, overall, a green product.
Decent work and economic growth
It could increase employability in this market as the product being mass produced adds to the UK economy and improves quality of life of UK citizens.
Quality education
Some people using specific lighting in their room could improve their concentration towards their schoolwork. students will benefit from this product.